Tuesdays @ 10am | Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Many Christians today are daunted by the Bible, seeing the size and scope of Scripture as intimidating and overwhelming. The result is often a fragmented understanding of parts of the Bible, which leads us to view it through the lens of our individual stories, primarily looking for different verses or passages to help us live our everyday lives. But, in our search for personal truth, we fail to see how the entirety of Scripture works together to show a bigger story—God's work to redeem and restore the entire world.
In From Beginning to Forever guides you through the story of the Bible, showing how all 66 books combine to form one unified narrative. Weaving together the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation, this 8-session study shows the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how he invites us to be a part of it.
CLICK HERE to register for Tuesday Bible Study
CLICK HERE to register for Wednesday Bible Study
Join other women at Cornerstone every Tuesday morning at 9am for prayer.
LEADER: Carla Henson